Community Action Winter Crisis Program will end on March 31, 2021 - HAPCAP
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Community Action Winter Crisis Program will end on March 31, 2021

Call 1-740-868-1908 for an appointment

The Winter Crisis Program (WCP) at Hocking Athens Perry Community Action will continue through March 31, 2021..  This program is designed to help families/households who are facing an emergency situation to maintain and/or restore electric/gas service and/or provide a bulk fuel (propane, wood, coal, fuel oil, or kerosene).  An emergency situation is defined as having a disconnect notice on your electric or natural gas; or having less than a 25% (tank) supply of bulk fuel such as propane, fuel oil, coal, or kerosene, or less than a 10-day supply of firewood. This assistance is available only once per heating season (November through March).

New This Year:

  • Eligible households will receive an additional HEAP benefit for their main heating source through the Cares Act.
  • If you have a PIPP default, you can utilize the Winter Reconnect Order, and all the remaining balance may be put into the arrearages.

To qualify, you must be income eligible and be in an emergency situation. Households with a total gross income at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines may be eligible.

All utility assistance appointments will be via phone call. Those needing assistance are urged to make sure they provide a reliable phone number that can be answered at the time of their scheduled appointment. A list of required documents needed and instructions on how to submit the required documentation will be provided during the phone interview. Listen to the entire message to receive a confirmation number to set the appointment. 


  • Best way to get help:
  1. Do you have a disconnect, less than 10-day supply of firewood or less than 25% of bulk fuels?
  2. Do you need PIPP Plus, or need your PIPP Plus re-verified?
  3. Do you need your State HEAP application filled out?

Call 740-868-1908 and make an appointment. We can only book appointments out 28 days in advance, so please call the next day if all appointments are full.  This phone line is open 24/7.


If you have a disconnect scheduled for today or tomorrow, or are out of firewood, or bulk fuels, call your local agency for an emergency same day appointment:

Hocking County – 740-385-6813
Athens County -740-767-4500
Perry County – 740-342-4113

These will be provided first-come, first-served.

We will offer a limited number of socially distanced in person appointments for those that require it.

Masks are required to be worn by anyone entering the building. We have masks available if one is needed for your appointment.

We will also continue taking appointments for Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP), and State HEAP.
